Celebrating 100 Years of School Sport
The AGSV was established in 1920, comprising the following Grammar schools: All Saints, Brighton, Camberwell, Caulfield, Haileybury, Ivanhoe, St Thomas and Trinity. Since then, there has been a number of changes to the Associations membership as follows:
History Timeline 1920-2020
1920 October
Eight boys’ schools – All Saints Grammar School (East St Kilda), Brighton Grammar School, Camberwell Grammar School, Caulfield Grammar School, Haileybury College, Ivanhoe Grammar School, St Thomas’ Grammar School and Trinity Grammar School – meet to establish the Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria (AGSV)

The first AGSV premiership competition (Athletics) is held

Swimming, Football, Tennis and Cricket premiership competitions introduced
All Saints GS withdraws its membership
St Thomas’ GS withdraws its membership, Carey Baptist Grammar School joins the AGSV
Malvern Grammar School joins the AGSV
Football competition abandoned – poliomyelitis epidemic
Athletics championship abandoned –poliomyelitis epidemic

Four member schools (Brighton, Carey, Caulfield, Haileybury) announce they are withdrawing from the AGSV, effective Term 3, 1958
Of note, with the departure of Caulfield Grammar came the resignation of its Deputy Headmaster, W.S. Morcom OBE, Chairman of the Sportsmasters Committee since the AGSV’s inception (he also acted as Honorary Secretary for 32 years during this period)

Assumption College, Essendon Grammar School (later to become Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School) and Mentone Grammar School join the ‘new’ AGSV. These schools compete for the first time in Term 3 (Athletics)
Tennis removed as a premiership sport by the Headmasters
Malvern GS withdraws its membership following an amalgamation with Caulfield GS

Tennis returns as a premiership sport. A range of additional sports are gradually introduced, originally without premiership status
Combined Tennis matches with the Ballarat Public Schools Association (BPSA) are introduced, with Cricket and Football added to this arrangement in years to follow.
Additional sports subsequently added
Marcellin College joins the AGSV

The Peninsula School (later to become Peninsula Grammar) joins the AGSV
The two day format for 1st XI cricket is discontinued, reverting to one-day matches
Yarra Valley Church of England School (later to become Yarra Valley Grammar) joins the AGSV.
Assumption and PEGS introduce co-education at Years 11 and 12. Yarra Valley (1978), Ivanhoe (1992), Peninsula (1994) and Mentone (2006) follow in later years

The long established format of premiership competitions in Cricket, Tennis and Football are removed for three years by the Headmasters.
Premiership status is re-instated in 1974. Athletics and Swimming not affected
A Joint Sports Committee (JSC) is introduced to oversee the running of non-premiership sports which had been played for some years in combined AGSV/APS competitions

The JSC is disbanded with the AGSV establishing its own premiership competitions in Basketball, Cross Country, Hockey and Soccer. Volleyball (1991), Squash and Badminton (both 1994) and Table Tennis (1995) follow

AGSV premierships for girls are introduced in Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming.
‘Rally’ Days for summer and winter sports also begin, using a round robin format. Four schools are initially involved in girls’ competition. Peninsula and Mentone follow soon after
Representative matches against the APS are introduced in winter (1999) and summer (2000)

The combined AGSV/APS girls’ competitions commence and develop rapidly

Combined matches with the BPSA are discontinued. Grand finals are introduced to boys sports that have all 9 teams entered (semi finals introduced in 2014).
AGSV/APS Girls competition celebrate 10 years of competition

Boys and Girls Athletics Championship events are held concurrently for the first time

Touch Football, Cricket and Football competition are offered to girls (non premiership status)

AGSV honours 100 years of school sport
Visit our video gallery to view highlights from our Centenary celebrations in 2020.